1. What is HOPS?
HOPS is a 40-year-old playscheme organised by a volunteer committee of local people and staffed by responsible adults and local young people aged 16+. Children enjoy a wide range of activities in a free environment in which they feel independent while being supervised by a large team who are always on hand to help out with any issues. Children enjoy learning how to manage their time, choose activities and handle money (at the tuckshop) in a safe and supervised environment.
2. How are the children supervised?
There are lots of adults and Play Helpers (aged 16+) on site. Our ratio is less than 1:6 and children are never more than a few feet away from a responsible person. There is always at least one adult on the committee desk, where children can go for help or for a quiet time.
3. How do I register my child on arrival?
On the day/s your child is attending, come to the main playground at TRINITY School. There are a number of desks, each dealing with a different section of the alphabet – go to the one for your child’s surname and get them ticked off and put on their wristband/s.
4. I didn’t prebook; can I still send my child?
We’d like to do more days than originally booked, is that possible?
There are sometimes a few places left although we cannot guarantee it. Please come to HOPS on the day you want to attend and go to the desk for on-the-day registrations (daily cost to be confirmed).
You will need to fill in a registration form and a medical form if necessary – if you can, please do this in advance. It is first come, first served and if someone buys the last place while you write out the form/s you will miss out.
5. Ages?
HOPS is for children in years 1-7 inclusive.
6. How do I contact my child in an emergency? Can I take them out early if there is an emergency?
We have a HOPS phone number displayed on the website and on the gate that you can call if you have an emergency.
7. What do children need to bring?
A packed lunch - PLEASE NO NUTS!
Money for tuck shop.
A change of clothes, a towel and a waterproof bag to put them in if they want to use the foam slide.
8. What should children leave at home?
Mobile phones and any other tech including cameras.
We have a policy of looking after any tech found until the end of the session.
9. What about children with medical conditions?
All children with medical conditions have their own form complete with photograph detailing their condition and any care required. Our first aid room is led by a trained nurse, and all committee members are first aid trained. Many Play Helpers also have first aid training.
10. What about children with additional needs?
We welcome parents contacting us to discuss any additional needs, whether physical, emotional or mental. If your child requires more care than we can offer then we are happy for a carer to come with them free of charge to help them enjoy the activities. In rare situations we may feel that HOPS is not the right environment for your child, but we will only make this decision in discussion with you.
11. How do you help children settle in?
We have a Buddy Team who will offer an orientation session each morning, then stay with the children for up to an hour until they are confident enough to enjoy HOPS on their own. Any child can use the Buddy Team, no matter their age.
12. Do you offer a sibling or any other discount?
We are not able to offer sibling discounts although this is under discussion.
We also offer incentives to those who get involved as committee members or as activity providers - contact us for details.
13. What if I’m going to be late collecting my child?
Please let us know on the HOPS mobile. If we know, we can wait with your child. If you do not notify us then we will wait half an hour after the end of HOPS, after which we will contact the police and/or social services as per our safeguarding policy.
If you are persistently late, we may choose not to allow your child to attend, so please make alternative arrangements, such as sending a friend to collect, if there are repeated problems.
14. My child can no longer attend HOPS. Can I get a refund?
We do not offer refunds. However, in exceptional circumstances we are willing to consider it on a case-by-case basis. Please EMAIL to discuss.